Baby Girl?

Wow it has been a while!

The whole year seems a bit of a blur, with the world going into lockdown, holidays cancelled and feeling very sick it’s been quite a ride.

I’ve been through a lot through this whole covid craziness but me and my family are very lucky to be healthy and our day to day life hasn’t changed much.

We’ve taken other job opportunities and worked a lot on our mental health.

We had the best shock last year when we found out we was expecting another baby and even better when we found out it was a girl. I always thought i’d be a mum to boys but now i’ll have a little girl to steal my lotions too.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

I fell pregnant in September meaning we are due another June baby.

Morning sickness hit (what I thought was morning sickness) and it just continued to get worse. I was throwing up 5+ times a day, any time of the day and evening. I was struggling to eat anything and then it progressed where I couldn’t even keep water down.

I had no idea what was going on, I started searching Instagram and Youtube to see how other people were coping which is when I came across Hyperemesis Gravidarum. From what I was watching and listening too this sounded like exactly what I had. I would struggle to get up and spend my days moving from the sofa to bed. When you have a little one this can be extremely hard and I am so grateful and lucky to have family around me that took care of Austin.

Early November I had some pain which I was unable to sleep through and ended up in hospital. I was admitted due to dehydration and treated with fluids and anti sickness medication. Roll on 6am and I was discharged with a positive covid test. Everyone was over the moon when I returned home informing them they all had to isolate :’).

I spent the next few weeks again throwing up anything I ate and not moving from the sofa, I felt weak and was fed up, I honestly had no idea how I was going to get through this.

I was put on anti-sickness medication and took this until I was around 18 weeks. I was still being sick but only once or twice a day and I was managing to get out for a short while.

I am now 29 weeks and feeling so much better, my bloods showed I was anaemic so I’m now on iron tablets and I have changed my diet to make sure I get a variety of foods and mostly whole foods. Eating lots of nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

My energy has increased and I finally feel comfortable getting around on my own and being active.

I’m so excited for these last few weeks, for summer to arrive, we have birthdays to celebrate and hopefully we will be able to see my family after a long year!

Austin is so excited to become a big brother and I can’t wait to see him with his little sister.

Hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

Lucy xo

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